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In this piece I see all the hours that my team and I have put into this project. From the moment we got the idea of our scope, to the first idea of the prototype, to all the research we’ve done and meetings we’ve arranged, to finally getting a solid idea and presenting it. I Have learned a lot through being part of this piece and it opened my eyes to issues I never thought about.


The main challenge I had with this presentation is adapting to the very last-minute changes that we had. My part changed very drastically in the morning of the presentation and I only had 2 hours to understand the change done and rearrange my part of the presentation. Which left little to no time to practice.


Before, working on my CV I didn't understand the importance of having one fully. Working on my CV felt more like a reflection on my time in university and how that have shaped me. Appreciating all the knowledge and experience I gained.






The biggest challenge I had to over come to complete this assignment is to have enough trust in my team members judgment, and handing the responsibility of this assignment to him. Understanding that every member can never have control over every single assignment; or piece of work in a team project. 


Working on the video was a real eye opening experience; going through the whole creation process of planning, shooting, editing and a lot of learning took 10+ hours for a 1 minute video. It was an experience that made me test my patience. After working on my own video; I now appreciate more every video I see.

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